Welcome to Moss Hall Schools Federation
On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, I am delighted to welcome you to the website of Moss Hall Schools Federation.
Our federation is comprised of Moss Hall Infant School and Moss Hall Junior School and has been operating as one organisation since 1st January 2020. With one Governing Board and Executive Headteacher leading both schools, the federation has a vision to provide a coherent and ambitious learning journey for children from Reception to Year 6 through creative collaboration and common purpose.
Our schools are safe, happy places where we aim for our children to excel academically, creatively and socially with the knowledge, skills and character to contribute purposefully to society. Our federation values to be kind, work hard and make a difference underpin and guide everything we do.
Both schools have 4 forms of entry and share an extensive and well-cared for site. Both popular, we serve a local community which is socially, culturally and linguistically diverse and consider this diversity to be an asset, enriching the educational experience we offer our children. Each school is served by highly supportive families, an active parents association (MHSA) and a robust governing board who share our ambition for our children and the success of our schools. We invest in our relationships with families as they grow with us through each child’s school career and commit to ensuring each child is seen, safe and known so their experience across the schools is seamless.
We hope this website gives a flavour of our schools and our joint ambition. If you are interested in applying for a school place, a job here or a visit, please contact us via either school office.
Clare Dyson
Executive Headteacher