Supporting Pupil Well-Being
Pupil Well-Being
We have a nurturing approach to pupil well being at both our schools. Across the federation Ms Salumu has oversight of children's health, medical and special dietary needs. She takes an active approach with families to ensure children's attendance at school is high and we work in partnership if there are specific medical needs.
In the junior school, our Senior Learning Mentor, Mrs Nash works with children referred through our pastoral team. She runs drop-ins and lunchtime activities for any child who wants a quieter lunchtime. Her mentoring work is explained in the flyer here.
In the infant school, our nurturing, family approach is further enhanced for children who may need a quieter start to the day or social skills work in groups, pairs or one to one. Ms Zaheer, who is one of our Mental Health first aiders, runs some of these activities in our Maple room. She works directly with children and also parents and carers. She is also a lead for our Healthy Schools Award across the federation and works closely with other staff on ensuring children eat a healthy balanced lunch.
All of these staff meet with our Headship team each week to consider the well-being of our children and to plan for any additional support that we may be able to provide.
In the attachments below you will find out information about in school support and services available to support families across Barnet. Do get in touch with us if you would like some help knowing what services are available in the community to help families.