Home Learning

Home learning is a very important part of a child’s education and can add much to a child’s development.

We recognise that the time and resources available limit the educational experience that any school by itself can provide; children benefit greatly therefore from the mutual support of parents and teachers in encouraging them to learn both at home and at school. One of the aims of our school is for children to develop as independent learners. We believe that home learning is one of the main ways in which children can acquire the skill of independent learning. 

Home learning plays a positive role in raising a child’s level of attainment. We also acknowledge the important role of play and free time in a child’s growth and development. While home learning is important, it should not prevent children from taking part in the wide range of out-of-school clubs and organisations that play an important part in the lives of many children. We are well aware that children spend more time at home than at school, and we believe they develop their skills, interests and talents to the full only when parents encourage them to make maximum use of the experiences and opportunities that are available outside of school. 

Aims and objectives

  • to promote a partnership between home and school in supporting each child’s learning

  • help pupils develop the skills of an independent learner;

  • to consolidate and reinforce learning done in school and to allow children to practise skills taught in lessons;

  • to help children develop good work habits for the future.

 Teachers, pupils and parents need to maintain high expectations for home learning at the school.  This means that home learning should always be completed on time and demonstrate a high standard of content and presentation.  Home learning that is completed inappropriately will be returned to the child to be finished properly.  Children who do not regularly complete set home learning will be invited to ‘Home learning Club’

Home learning will be matched carefully to the individual needs of the children.

Pupils with special educational needs

We set home learning for all children as a normal part of school life. We ensure that all tasks set are appropriate to the ability of the child. If a child has special needs, we adapt the task set so that all children can contribute in a positive way. 

Amount of home learning 

We increase the amount of home learning that we give the children as they move up through the school. 


Online home learning is generally given immediate feedback as part of the programme being used – for example – Century Tech. Pupils will sometimes receive individual verbal feedback, whole class feedback, feedback from a partner or will self-assess their work. 

How is home learning organised?

Home learning will be set on Google Classroom and completed electronically where appropriate.  Some home learning will be written out and returned in individual ‘practice books’.  An example of this would be writing out spelling sentences etc.  Knowledge organisers will also be sent home as hard copies so children can refer to them each week 

Home learning is set on a Tuesday and should be completed by the following Monday. 

Home learning generally consists of:

Spelling practice which should be completed every night.  Children will practice spellings in their practice books which should be brought into school every day.

Children will be tested on their spellings.  The first test will be on Thursday and a re-test on the following Monday.

Times tables practice.  This should be completed every night and again, the practice book can be used for daily revision of timetable facts.  There will be weekly arithmetic tests in school.

Century Tech nuggets and TT Rockstars will be set online via Google Classroom.

Children are expected to read every night.

The role of parents

Parents have a vital role to play in their child’s education, and home learning is an important part of this process. We ask parents to encourage their child to complete the home learning tasks that are set. We invite them to help their children as they feel necessary and provide them with the sort of environment that allows children to do their best. Parents can support their child by providing a quiet working space at home, by enabling their child to visit the library regularly and by discussing the work that their child is doing. If parents have any concerns or questions about home learning, they should, in the first instance, contact the child’s class teacher and/or request a place in ‘Home Learning Club’.  Home Learning Club places are always allocated by invite only.

Monitoring and review of home learning

Completion of home learning is monitored by the class teacher. Senior leaders monitor home learning provision on a termly basis.